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Lazy Tiles provides environmental-friendly, sustainable material, outperforming traditional timber without any of its drawbacks. No staining, oiling, or painting is needed; it is also termite-proof, highly slip-resistant (R10), and tested for water resistance (P5). Further, it is built to withstand weather, preventing rotting, mold, and mildew.

Regular price $5.95
Regular price $5.95

Edge Tiles

Decking tiles are beautiful for your indoor or outdoor space. However, without edge tiles, your whole flooring will look unfinished. Therefore, it is crucial to have edge tiles and complete the overall look. Edge tiles can be divided into two types, which are the ramp edge and corner tiles. Ramp edges complete your flooring by elevating it, making them the best choice for stairs. Corner tiles are the component that closes your flooring together. They dull the edges and make your floor look seamless. Other than the aesthetic benefits, edge tiles are important for safety as well. Decking tiles can have sharp edges if their ends are not sealed properly. With edge tiles in place, those sharp edges are covered safely and seamlessly.

These edge tiles are also adaptable. Installed with the same interlocking system, these tiles can be clicked with any other tiles we sell. No mortar or other adhesive is needed, either. These features make them convenient to attach and detach at will. Another plus point for edge tiles is that they are easy to clean. Simply hose them down to get rid of dust/dirt on their grouts and they will be clean as new. Just like all of our decking tiles, our edge tiles are sustainable and recyclable. Made of recyclable plastic and natural wood, these edge tiles can be recycled when you are ready to dispose of them. They are also completely reusable, so there is no need to throw them if you are planning to move. Simply detach them from each other and reattach them in a new area.

Lazy Tiles' edge tiles are available in 7 different colours so you can choose which one suits your taste the most. These colours match what we have in our decking tiles collection, too, so you have the option to purchase them all together.